1. What is Riyadh Florist online - Saudi Arabia Flowers online?
It stands for Local Florist network in Riyadh and is working
with member of Flowers-link.
2. Can I request the items, which are not listed in the web
Yes, you may email the requirement to Riyadh Florist Online -
Saudi Arabia Florist and we will reply you within 30 min.
3. How can I make the payment?
You can make the payment by Credit Card.
4. Which credit cards does Canada Florist Online accept?
Riyadh Florist Florist Online accepts Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover cards etc.
5. Is my credit card number is secured?
All transactions are secured, powered by CCNow, Which is our
Authorized web retailer an US based organization. Which
transacts all transactions on ultra high Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
The credit card information never comes to us. We just get the
payment receipt information. CGI script capable of processing
Credit Card transactions insuring that the information is
encrypted before it is transmitted.
6. How do I feel sure that you have correctly registered the
order placed?
Shortly after you have successfully transmitted your order to
CCNow's secure server you will receive an email acknowledgement
from CCnow, assuring you that your order is being processed to
be delivered as requested.
7. Are the items delivered as per the display on WebPages?
At Saudi Arabia Flowers we aim to use seasonal flowers wherever
possible, as they last longer and offer better value to you. So,
please bear in mind that although the bouquets shown on our
website will be replicated as closely as possible they may
contain some variation due to seasonal availability.
Where we delivery:
Our courteous and efficient driving team are able to delivery
same day day to Riyadh, Jeddah. Al-Khobar For those outside of
Riyadh, Jeddah, Al-Khobar we also offer 3rd day.
When we deliver:
Although we cannot guarantee exact times for delivery we aim to
deliver between 9am and 5pm. We can, however, specify morning or
afternoon deliveries.
Same day Delivery:
Same day please send in your order form by 7 am Arabia time, as
we make up the flowers early each morning.
Request of changing or cancellation of order or order
Changes shall be made if Saudi Arabia Florist online receive the
information before order has been sent out for delivery or
prepared for delivery.
Request of flowers:
You can always request for the type and color of the flowers,
however, due to various seasonal and regional conditions,
availability of some flowers may be limited in certain areas. In
this situation, we will deliver a choice of similar of equal or
or greater value and beauty.
All confirmed orders are guaranteed delivery with a minimum
24 hours notice, excluding Fridays and legal holidays.
Refund or Replacement:
Unable to locate the recipient's "correct" address.
The delivered flowers quality is poor.
The order has not been delivered due to our fault.
Guarantee will not apply (FULL charges will be applied) if:
Given Insufficient or Wrong information e.g recipient telephone
number, name or address etc by You
Recipient cannot be reached when delivering to places like
Hospitals, Hotels, Arriving/Departing ships or plane etc.
Contact us:
Buy flowers to Saudi Arabia